Topic-Changing Thursdays: Time Before Baby

Again, I am writing this before the arrival of my baby, so there is a chance that I am holding him right now. But, I could also be pacing the house and yelling about how he hasn’t come yet. You never know. In the meantime, let me entertain you with some pictures of things we did before the baby arrived.

For instance, we had tall trees in front of our house that needed to be cut back. I shouldn’t call them trees. They are technically bushes, but had grown so high that they were essentially trees. We decided to go full-on crazy and remove half of each bush. It took a while, and my arms were exhausted from the hack saw, but you could finally see our house number!



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Smores Cookies

Because I have been getting ready for the baby’s arrival, I am scheduling these posts ahead of time. This means that I could be holding a baby right now for all I know. Today is his due date after all. We get to find out if he is more like his mom (early) or dad (late). Regardless, you deserve a cookie recipe. But in honor of the impendingĀ doom baby, here is a heart cookie!


The shape was completely accidental, by the way. It just baked that way. How cute!

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Topic-Changing Thursdays: Nesting

Now, I should mention that this post is justĀ 4 days away from the baby’s due date. Yeah. So there is the chance that the baby has already arrived and I am in full Mom Mode. Or, I could be feeling impatient. Or in labor. Who knows. Regardless, I scheduled this so that you would still have some Fudging Ahead words to read today. So, fingers are crossed! In fact, this post is part of today’s topic: nesting.


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Tips-y Tuesdays: Cream of Mushroom with Chicken and Pasta

One night I had no interest in cooking or dealing with food. I had already started the rice cooker at this point, though, which meant we were having rice whether we wanted it or not. Luckily, K was able to swing by Costco and grab a rotisserie chicken. He made a vegetable and ta-da, instant meal. With only two of us, we definitely had leftover chicken. You can reheat it as is, but it dries out a bit, and it can be a bit boring. I decided to jazz it up. This is giving you a recipe for a tips-y Tuesday post!


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Toffee Cream Pie

It wasn’t until this recipe that I discovered what toffee is. I just thought I didn’t like it. Maybe it’s because I never liked nuts very much growing up. I didn’t realize toffee is basically chocolate and almonds. I’m okay with that. A bit of fun crunch with a bit of salty sweet action. Now I know! I will say that this pie is a little messy to eat. I was very careful to make sure the crust would not get soggy…maybe too careful? It ended up being quite crisp. I could have baked it for a bit less time initially, I suppose. Oh well. Help out your guests by giving them a nice knife and fork. Or, they could just pick it up and eat it. That’s what I did, pizza style.


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Topic-Changing Thursdays: Pro and Con List for Pregnancy

Every time I think of Pro/Con lists I am reminded of The Gilmore Girls. Rory Gilmore (the daughter on the show) used to make them for everything. Well, maybe I was inspired by that for this! Basically, I’ve had a good amount of time to think about this pregnancy thing since I am now around 38.5 weeks. Note that this Pro/Con list is merely about beingĀ pregnant. Obviously I’ve already decided that having the baby is worth all of this, so there isn’t really a competition between the pros and cons. Having the baby is a big “pro” after all. šŸ™‚


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Tips-y Tuesdays: Bailey’s Cookies and Cream Milkshake

This post could also be titled, “How to Thank Your Husband for Getting Dinner”. Clearly this recipe is not something I had any part of. Not because I’m pregnant. Just because I don’t enjoy the taste of alcohol. This did not smell good to me at all, but I took it as a good sign that it must have enough alcohol for the dear K. You see, I made Bailey’s ice cream a very long time ago for him. But, he has taken his sweet time finishing it, which also means I was down my glass container for a long time. *sigh* Supposedly he kept forgetting about it, and because it wasn’t in one of our normal ice cream containers, he thought it was soup or something!? I’m all, what white soup have I made? Who knows. Anyway, there was one serving left, so I used it to make this milkshake for him. He had talked about making a milkshake with it and some Oreos, so I decided to make it happen for him.


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