Almond “Make Now” Bread Pudding

With everyone home all of the time, I have been making lots of different recipes since more cooking is required. But, grocery shopping is a bit interesting right now since sometimes ingredients are not in stock, or other times I am in such a rush to not be out too long and  I might miss something.

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Bravetart’s Apple Pie

Here is an apple pie that is pretty easy to make, although I had a couple problems that were probably user error.

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Chiplet Adventures (part 15): Letter J Week

We are still here doing much of our usual routine, although the letter crafts have gotten spread out a bit more since I’m also working on the Fudgelet’s schoolwork while he is out of school for the next indefinite time period. We have also been going outside a bunch, partially since the Fudgelet normally gets two recesses a day, partially that we aren’t able to go anywhere and it helps to break up the day, and also because it has been so nice out. After a very dark January, we are still wanting to soak up sunshine.

But now, let’s talk about letter J!

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Topic-Changing Thursdays: Happy 8 Years to Me!

As often happens, my blogiversary snuck up on me and actually passed me this year. I didn’t even realize it had passed until two days after. So, here I am writing about my 8th year of blogging on here.

Things I am happy about:

First off, I am still posting on here! Two posts a week has been going fairly well. I’ve been doing a mix of recipe posts and life posts, which has been good for keeping momentum and also for mixing it up. Sometimes my brain is too tired to focus on writing up what I remember making but can handle remembering other stuff.

As far as goals, I want to continue with posting twice a week. I have no plans to increase that amount for the near future. As far as recipe goals, I want to see if I can continue making some more recipes from my cookbooks. I’ve been making a bunch of old recipes from the blog lately, so I don’t have as many new ones to share, but I figure it is okay to share modifications of old ones.


I definitely have been struggling lately with keeping up with new posts. I have just been a lot more tired than before, so the Chiplet’s naptime is often used for me to nap and relax instead of getting ahead on here. So, I’m hoping the laziness I feel will get better once he starts sleeping better.

Overall, thanks for coming by here and reading. I’m almost at 1000 posts and maybe if I can be on top of it, I can remember to post a celebratory recipe.


Chiplet Adventures (part 14): Letter R week

Sometimes we go out of order, depending on what the Chiplet is in the mood to make. For this week, we started with lowercase r.

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Almond Butter Pretzel Pie

I know it isn’t Pi Day yet, but consider this your Pi Day post since it is on a weekend this year.

I was excited to find a non-baked pie recipe I could make that is creamy but vegan. The original recipe called for peanut butter, but natural peanut butter, so it was easy to swap with almond butter.

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Chiplet Adventures (part 13): Letter I Week

I just want to send good thoughts to everyone out there that might be dealing with the virus going around the world right now. You might know that it has hit my area pretty bad and continues to get worse. We have been trying to stay home when we can and keep away from the germs, but it is hard to do. We are still continuing our activities at home, which is our transition to letter I today.

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