Basic Hamburgers

There were a few reasons I wanted to make hamburgers, as you might have seen in my post for these hamburger buns. I partially wanted to use the ground beef, but also wanted to make the rolls.



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Crisp, Fluffy Pizza Crust

I have lots of pizza recipes on here already. Most of them are pancrust style, because that is K’s favorite. Especially from Pizza Hut. So, we are always after a crust that mimics that style. This one is my new favorite. It is less involved than some recipes, but it produced a crust that had a crunch to it, while still being almost bread-like. K commented that it was less greasy than other recipes. I wasn’t sure if this was a bad thing, but apparently he liked it. You could always add more fat to the pan if you prefer a greasier crust, but we liked this.



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Pizza with Ricotta and Bacon or Mushrooms and Sausage

Are you a pizza lover? We love pizza. It was our first date, after all! So, it is even a reason for romance with us to celebrate anniversaries. This is a great recipe for a thinner crust, although it is not the thinnest crust I have ever had. It is crunchy and suitable for many toppings. You can double the recipe, but generally one pizza is enough for us, and we still have leftovers.


For pizza sauce, I generally just use the food processor and pulse together a jar of tomatoes with some seasoning (garlic powder, red pepper flakes, basil, etc.). Sometimes I keep the chunks. To thicken the sauce, cooking it on low in a saucepan for about 5-10 minutes helps. You can also stir in some tomato paste for extra flavor. I linked to a tomato sauce recipe I use, but you can feel free to use store-bought or make something else.



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