Friday Favorites 9

Summer has started, and we are in the middle of celebrating birthdays, seeing family, plane rides, picking out presents, going to a wedding (all 3 of us!), getting new toys…I am getting a bit anxious with it all, but it is all fun stuff (outside of the plane rides…bleh). I hope to share some pictures of our fun this summer. What do you have planned?

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Why is this picture so much fun? Well, the Fudgelet recently learned how to duck under things. He has done it a bit, but to go under his activity table he has to duck quite a bit. And, he has gotten so good that he can even slither under it, all the way! This might seem easy, but when your head is so big, it has required practice and encouragement. 🙂

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1. Summer is here, which means camping for some people. And while camping, you must have s’mores. Now, if you’re like me, why camp when you can have s’mores at home? And, you can’t make this souffle recipe while camping, so you’d better clear some time and make it at home.

2. The combo of soft eggs, bacon, and potatoes is so appealing. Could this count as healthy since there is a small bit of greens included? Who cares–I want to eat it anyway! I would do a swap for the blue cheese, but that’s just my personal preference.

3. I know, two s’mores recipes in one post, but I am intrigued by “puppy chow” recipes. I keep seeing them, but have never made them. Have you?

4. I found this a while ago, but want to share with you all. Tiramisu AND cheesecake? It sounds so obvious after you hear it. Of course they should go together!

5. Here is another recipe perfect for summer: quick tacos with a different way of doing the chicken than I’ve done before. I want to try it before summer is gone!

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