Friday Favorites 46

Hello! Today marks an anniversary and a birthday in my family! I also always liked Friday the 13ths because other people said they were bad luck. Give me a choice that is being picked on, and chances are I will rush to support it.

This October is also busy, especially with both kids in full-time school this year (birthday parties, school events, etc.) but we also have two weddings we are attending, plus fun times planned with the family.

Will I have time to make any of these recipes this month? Not sure, but they look interesting!

  1. I’m always up for chocolate cake.
  2. I know it is past ice cream season and mooncake season, but I want to make this because I think K would love it.
  3. When I made apple butter, I had so much of it, and I couldn’t find enough recipes for it. So, here I go, a recipe to use it the next time I make way too much!
  4. I’m also always up for brownies, and I haven’t made cheescake ones in awhile.
  5. I might have already made these rolls before this posts because they sound so good!

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